#2812 in World
#69 in Taiwan
#763 in Asia

Djane info

DJane name DAZZLE$

Real name Cindy Hung

Country Taiwan


DAZZLE$ Biography

Dazzle$ is a Dubstep/Riddim DJ from Taiwan, She got her double master degree in Bay Area. During her years in the United States, with her passion for Bass music, she traveled to various music festivals all over the States. She learned to be a DJ during the pandemic in 2020, and played some big shows in China and gained her own fans. She was nominated for Top 50 Dubstep DJ in China and the Best Newcomer by「Dubstep China」in 2021. She is good at playing Dubstep, Riddim, Hybrid Trap and more to express her unique taste and understanding of music. Double Drop, Mega Chop and other skills are often added to her set to show her strong arrangement.