#1926 in World
#32 in Thailand
#548 in Asia

Djane info

DJane name XUANN

Real name Phornchita joomdork

Country Thailand


XUANN Biography

XuanN MODEL NET IDOL & DJ DJ INFO Category : Club DJ / Even DJ Main Gentre : ELECTRONIC DANCE MUSIC SET duration : 1-3 hours Equiptment : pioneer CDJ-2000,3000 pioneer DJM 900 NXS2 Biography My name is Pornchita joomdok or DJ Xu-An. I used to be a model and net idol with more than 250,000 followers on digital business. I also collect works and model for famous TV shows and YouTube channels in Country I'm interested in becoming a professional DJ who stores data. Start learning and working in this field, others will be able to develop it in return in 1 year. I have been invited to be a guest DJ both in Thailand and Asia. By myself, I like to listen to music and like music. Makes me express myself well and impress every time. Venes played WAVE CLUB SINGAPORE DE CARVERLY MALAYSIA G360 FESTIVAL POIPET , CAMBODIA MIDNIGHT CLUB PHANOM PENGE , CAMBODIA OVERTIME PATABONG , CAMBODIA TAXI PUB SIHANU VILLE , CAMBODIA PATONG - BAY HILL PHUKET HOLLYWOOD PATTAYA WINK CLUB HUA-HIN GOTTAM SUPERCLUB FINNIX CLUB ROUTE66 THE HAREM DUBAI SPACEPLUS BKK XXO CRUISE TRANSPOTER SPACE YANGON 831 CLUB MYANMAR ViSION ClUB BANGKOK MIRIN CLUB BANGKOK