#3238 in World
#108 in Australia
#119 in Australia and Oceania

Djane info


Country Australia

VIOLET EVE Biography

Violet Eve is an Adelaide based dancer-turned-DJ and upcoming producer known for her purple aesthetic, strong feminine energy and contagious smile. At the beginning of 2017 she found herself at the heart of Adelaide’s underground music scene with a passion for pumping dance floors, blending minimal techno and stompy progressive basslines. Upon discovering Adelaide’s intimate Psy Trance community, she jumped down the rabbit hole and never looked back, playing at outdoor events and club nights across the state including Psy-ence Fiction and Club Bazaar, the event she hosts with her partner, Howling. Very quickly, she became known for her thumping, high energy full on Psy Trance sets that groove and delight, winning Earthcore’s 2018 Smash the Mainfloor DJ competition, being selected as Fresh 92.7’s The Come Up radio show resident, and earning herself a place on the lineup at Victoria’s Return to the Source 2018 and Esoteric Festival 2019.