#1948 in World
#2 in Croatia
#710 in Europe

Djane info

DJane name SUZANNE

Real name Zsuzsi Dankos

Country Croatia


SUZANNE Biography

 Dj Suzanne (Zsuzsi Dankos) from Croatia. She has always loved music and everything related to it. As a true DJ, Dj Suzanne can spin all genres but specialize in Techno and Club music.  We welcome you to enjoy the 60 min Techno mix with tracks selected by Dj Suzanne.  Techno Session WEDNESDAY 11:00-12:00PM (EST) 17:00-18:00 (Croatia) thesessionworldwide.com Check out Dj Suzanne on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/j1nj4