#1870 in World
#4 in Macau
#529 in Asia

Djane info

DJane name SINAM

Real name IP SI NAM

Country Macau

SINAM Biography

SINAM , a new rising star in Macau, with 160k followers on Instagram, having passion in dancing and electronic music. She has been learning to be a DJ with sister Puinam in recent years, especially about scratch and mixing skills. SINAM was also invited as a guest DJ at 919Party and the opening ceremony of Studio City Water ParkHer energetic live performance have thrilled all the audiences! 思男 SINAM是澳門的超人氣新星,IG擁有16萬粉絲,從小熱愛跳舞及喜歡電子音樂。在近年並與家姐佩男Puinam一同研究DJ打碟技術,並特別專注於Scratch及混音技巧,曾在919Party加場以及新濠影匯水上樂園開幕中擔任DJ表演嘉賓,她充滿活力的現場表演更吸引了在場所有觀眾。 . Style: Big Room / Future Bounce / Hardstyle / Dubstep / Hip Hop