#2324 in World
#3 in Macau
#687 in Asia

Djane info

DJane name PUINAM

Real name pui nam ip

Country Macau

PUINAM Biography

Puinam 佩男 , a new rising star in Macau, has developed a strong passion in EDM music in recent years. Puinam’s affective DJ performance on stage has quickly her one of the most popular DJs in Macau. In 2020, she was nominated as DjaneTop2020 Asia #55 and Macau #1, and DjaneMag Top China #16. She is also skilled at creating upbeat ambiance on the dance floor with her best repertoire in genres of Dubstep, Hardstyle, Bigroom, and Electro. 'Love Me Don‘t Go' and 'Summer Breeze' are some of the most popular remix works by her team.
Puinam 佩男 是澳門的超人氣新星 ,近年來非常熱愛EDM音樂及打碟。她在舞台上的創造力和出色的表演,受到廣大觀眾及DJ音樂界的青睞,迅速使她成為澳門最受歡迎的DJ之一。2020年,她被提名為 DjaneTop2020 亞洲第55名和澳門第1名,以及DjaneMag 中國第16名。她擅長的音樂曲風有Dubstep,Hardstyle,Bigroom和Electro類型。 《Love Me Don‘t Go》和《Summer Breeze》是佩男最受歡迎的混音作品。