#719 in World
#81 in United States
#112 in North America

Djane info

DJane name OUT OF MIND

Country United States

OUT OF MIND Biography

OUT OF MIND is a European born female DJ, based in Los Angeles . She started her music career when she was 6 years old, studying the art of forte - piano at the Genesis Music School. After finishing Music School OUT OF MIND was introduced to the deep house scene, making special playlists for herself and her friends. Her DJ career unfolded in Miami when she performed at various private events. Since then OUT OF MIND played in New York City, in unique prominent venues such as Gospel, Public Arts, The Water Tower, TBA and others . Also she is a resident DJ of Deep Space production in Los Angeles . During summer months you can hear her tunes at the hottest spots of Ibiza,St Tropez and Monaco.