Djane info

DJane name OLA RAS

Real name Olga

Country Ukraine

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OLA RAS Biography


OLA RAS – is a professional saxophonist. She combines virtuosic playing on the instrument with enchanting club sound, as a result, received exclusive and fashionable musical compilation of sounds. Mixing club tracks, complemented by playing the Saxophone, overwhelms the dance floor with incredible live music energy, which gets straight into the hearts!!!
in TOP 50 best word female DJs by DjaneMag version!!
OLA RAS graduated from music school and music College, and now is a student of the Conservatory. She has participated in various music contests and took prize places. She gained DJ skills in the most popular and professional DJ school in Kiev. Stunning model appearance gave her an opportunity to work successfully in fashion sphere and TV industry, which currently allows her to be artistic and bright during her shows !!!