#496 in World
#5 in Hungary
#199 in Europe

Djane info

DJane name MYNEA

Real name Mínea Sterbinszky

Country Hungary


MYNEA Biography

Mynea is a 22 yo DJ girl from Hungary. Ever since she was little, her dream was to be a DJ like her father, Sterbinszky. Instead of Barbi dolls, she preferred to watch his daddy in the studio while he was making music. That little girl' s dream in the studio came true. Since 2019, she's been travelling the country, the world and living her dream, gig after gig, on her own and with her dad. Sterbinszky x Mynea is a dad and daughter DJ duo which is amaizing. The way they act like on the stage is so engaging. They make a lot of music together and few years ago Mynea started to sing. Fun fact that Mynea's grandfather was a DJ too. She was bullied at school for being so determined to make music and live her dreams. Never give up your dreams! Do what you want and what you love. Check out her social media platforms and get her know better.