Luxmi began DJing in 2019. She has many musical influences, however, she mainly focuses on Afrohouse and Full-on Psytrance, as diverse as those two are. Her psytrance is inspired by the South African outdoor festival scene. While her Afrohouse is inspired by her adventures through Sub-Saharan Africa where she connected with the spirit of countries like Malawi, Zambia, Botswana and Mozambique to name a few. Luxmi has performed at some of the most influential events in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, which include, Imphepho- hosted by Smiling Buddha Productions, Sunday Sunsets-hosted by Smiling Buddha Productions, Earthdance 2021 KwaZulu-Natal, Butterfly Effect 2021- hosted by Chaos Theory Crew and Naarbeats. Connextion 2020- hosted by One Love productions Unyaka 2020- hosted by Origin Nightclub and Bass City Entertainment. Psybraai- Hosted by Psyballies Indigenous-frequency 2022 - hosted by Savage productions, Chaos Theory Crew and Naarbeats Luxmi is currently a resident DJ for Smiling Buddha Productions. Her music can be discribed as bouncy yet driving, fun yet spiritual. Although uniquely African, her music has a modern and international feel.