#1888 in World
#38 in India
#535 in Asia

Djane info

DJane name KOMEX

Real name Komal Madikar

Country India


KOMEX Biography

DJ KoMex is one of the indian DJ scene & has been in profession since 2016. The year when DJ KoMex set her foot to become a DJ & there has been no looking back ever since . DJ KoMex is an artist with a passion for playing music. Many DJs want to be DJs, Very special few become DJs to share the exuberant passion for music that boils in their blood. DJ KoMex is one of the rare few. A Talent who speaks through the music that she plays so well. Her life has been mesmerised by the effects of sound. The sound of everyday life inspires her to formulate her musical sculptures. By being a self motivated DJ with a hard earned knowledge of music technology.