Djane info

DJane name KATITTA

Real name Ekaterina

Country Russia

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KATITTA Biography

Create the right atmosphere with the right music. With love. Katitta.

KatittaDj as a dancer and a creative person has been associated with the music from her childhood. She decided to share the collection of her music and be not only on the dance floor but also take the place of a DJ.
Since 2017, she is one of the residents of Shift Moscow project what promotes breakbeat and organizes multi-format parties in Moscow.
In love with deep sound and broken rhythms, she managed to perform at the Around Sound (Moscow), Equacolours (Moscow), pre-party Trance Universe festival and as a guest at the Radio show All starts.
In addition, she had an opportunity to please the foreign audience of Beirut and Bali with her best musical finds.