#1924 in World
#39 in India
#548 in Asia

Djane info

DJane name DORIKA

Real name Priyadarshani Jain

Country India


DORIKA Biography

Dorika is a professional mix of DJ, Anchor, Fashion Model, and Philanthropist. Her vision? Always looking for emerging trends. Dorika aims to keep following her heart and trust where destiny leads her, with the goals of expanding her music career and continuing to explore the entertainment industry. Dorika, one of the best female DJ in India, offers sheer versatility by performing at a Music Festival, a Wedding function, a grand New Year’s Eve celebration, a Fashion event, Club Gigs, a Corporate cum Private Party, and a simple LIVE Stream, she has now been able to establish herself as a professional DJ of repute, talent and grace. With her strong will, focus and dedication, and professional training she ventured in this field eager to learn, explore and eventually make her presence felt. And since the day Dorika made her mind on this, she hasn't stopped banging hits and bringing new remixes out! Whether your requirement is foot-tapping Techno music, trance, grooving Bollywood music, EDM, Evergreen Retro melodies, or peppy House music, Dorika is a package of talent, carrying a bag full of musical variety. Dorika can be the highlight of any event!