#1870 in World
#50 in France
#688 in Europe

Djane info

DJane name DITA.B

Country France


DITA.B Biography

Music is a caress, a journey, an emotion, a love story. Barbara knows it well. With delicacy and taste, she likes to feast the ears of the sound she wants Trip-hop-electro-lounge, the one that brings back to past emotions or lands still unknown. His soft and elegant voice envelops the atmosphere of the most pleasant temperature. She never disturbs, she always surprises. The dress is long meditated and the smile always sincere. The sound ? She is treating him. The balance between electro, jazz, lounge and pop is perfect. It is in the shadow of her studio that she prepares her mixes, in an almost surgical way. She becomes then the official singer of the Boucheron jewelry house, Then she sings for Cartier, Shopard, Degrizo Gono, Piaget, Zenith ... To believe that jewels adore her! She then puts on her stilts and flies to the skies with the modern circus company "Les Farfadais", thanks to whom her little girl dreams become realities. The most delirious costumes, the most magical characters, the most distant countries become her reality. She enchants the mundane parties, from the palace of King Mohamed XI, to the galas of Prince Albert and whispers in the hollow of the ears of those who want to hear, that his heart is to Papa. And because she can not stop there, always in agreement with her time, she learns to mix with the DJ EANOV SCOOL to become Dita.B. The Djette that must be followed ... Her job, she does it with love and passion. Barbara radiates with her microphone for 15 years and is not ready to stop.