Djane info

DJane name ARISA

Real name 鍾絲帆

Country Taiwan

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ARISA Biography

After the debut, it attracted great attention from all walks of life. This is the first female MC in Taiwan to become a sexy hot woman.
In 2018, it became the first person in Taiwan to stand at the Golden Lantern Museum in Macau and AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong.
At the same time, he also served as the JKF girl of Taiwan's first male entertainment brand JKF Czech Forum.

The personality is lively, outgoing and full of passion. I hope that through my love of the party and music, through my own performances, I will communicate to everyone who attends the party, more music and the purest party.
The shape is changeable and the body is very hot, which can explain various musical styles. The sound lines are magnetic and unique, in stark contrast to the exterior. The party has its own unique way to reach the warmest atmosphere in the shortest possible time.

MC Arisa is good at drumming and the stage is very strong. It is widely loved by the public and has become a popular party performer, active in nightclubs and major campus evenings, as well as a variety of commercial shows at home and abroad.

2018年成為全台灣首位,站上澳門金光綜藝館、香港亞洲國際博覽館演出的Party MC;並在2019年受邀於世界女子百大 DjaneTop 指定MC。

同時也在全台第一頂尖模特兒品牌 捷克論壇 擔任 JKF女郎。

個性活潑外向、熱情奔放,希望用對於派對和音樂的熱愛,透過DJ的選曲與自身的演出,傳達給每位一起參與派對的人們,更多的 音樂性 以及 最純粹 玩派對的心。


MC Arisa 愛里紗 擅長鼓噪現場氣氛、表演時舞台渲染力強大,目前與 DJ Cyndi 是台灣唯一雙女DJ、MC組合,廣受大眾所喜愛,成為熱門表演者,活躍於世界各地夜店及各大校園晚會、國內外各類商業演出。