#1049 in World
#41 in Taiwan
#294 in Asia

Djane info

DJane name RARA

Real name 王若熙

Country Taiwan


RARA Biography

At an early age,Rara was always inspired by music and dancing.
She never missed any opportunities to perform.It,s been her lifelong dream to be on stage. Rara is not only a DJ who can dancing and sing,she can also perform different style of music from different regions,
natures,and vibes.She has the ability to share her experiences through music.
She had performed in many large venues and clubs such as Omni,CieCie Taipei,Alta, Lamp,Joker,The door,Volkswagen,
Oriental Mystery party,Pose night club,Vana,Muim,Babylon,Wave night club,Ture2trance.