#1108 in World
#24 in South Africa
#48 in Africa

Djane info

DJane name NHESH

Country South Africa

NHESH Biography

Anelisa Nodunyelwa a female Dj known as Dj Nhesh, is a 24 year old dj from in Cape Town. She was trained and skilled in the SAE institute back in 2019. Where she obtained her Audio certificates.
She comes from a community where entertainment is not considered as a successful career, however she took a risk and broke boundaries by following what she’s passionate about. She managed to establish herself in the city of Cape Town to change the narrative.
This is to restore hope in our communities, DJ Nhesh wants to be a point of reference where young girls will draw inspiration from. If she can do it, surely they can also be anything they wish to be and this world will be a better place.