#637 in World
#1 in Zimbabwe
#38 in Africa

Djane info

DJane name KING HER

Real name Natsumi Miyata

Country Zimbabwe

KING HER Biography

King Her, formally known as Natsumi Miyata, is an Open Format DJ. Born in Harare, dually of Zimbabwean and Japanese heritage, King Her discovered her talent for fine arts at an early age. While acclaiming honours for her paintings as well as completion in Diploma for Multimedia and Graphic Design, she also discovered her talent and craft in music and modern dancing. It was through self-motivation, four years of experience in Quality Assurance Auditing (Pharmaceutical), Marketing and Sales, Social Media Marketing experience; King Her has developed a well-rounded Brand. ~She is also a Radio Host, Television Presenter, Graphic Designer and Producer. King Her released a single titled - Kuonga in dedication to being "thankful" for all that life has to offer!