#2807 in World
#37 in South Africa
#77 in Africa

Djane info

DJane name ASHTAG

Real name Ashleigh

Country South Africa

ASHTAG Biography

Ashleigh's music career started with childhood piano lessons and progressed to her real passion - drums. Starting drumkit lessons at age 14, she played in cover bands most of her late teens and early 20s, included in sold-out productions such as The Eric Clapton Tribute Show. Djing into her 30s has been a natural progression to a more mature beat and music appreciation.
Ashtag mixes a wide variety of house or EDM with commercial reproductions of top- chart releases. She's been featured on radio stations such as GoodHope and Mutha FM. She DJs for different event types and venues around Cape Town, and is available to travel.
Ashleigh is also part of two duo acts: 'Double Vision' and 'Sibling Rivalry' where the look is as good as the music.